Food:Soul #5 - Lickspittles, Buttonholers, and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens
Lickspittles, Buttonholers, and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens

Flux is THRILLED in a caps kind of way to announce the 5th installment of our potluck play reading series, Food:Soul. We're featuring Johnna Adams' (The Angel Eaters Trilogy) brilliantly funny rhyming comedy, Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens, directed by John Hurley, and featuring a cast of TBA Flux favs - so save the date!
By Johnna Adams
Directed by John Hurley
Wednesday, February 17th
Food served at 7:30, reading begins at 8PM
At Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square Park
As part of Judson's Bailout Theater program
Cast: TBA
This Food:Soul is special, not only because it represents our chance to share Johnna's work (and free food!) with you, but because it represents the beginning of our relationship with Judson Memorial Church, home of the famous Judson Poets's Theater.
In a rhyming, metered world, the offbeat rules.
Three extraneous Danish court officials: a professional loud mouth (the buttonholer), a kiss ass for hire (the lickspittle) and a successful dastard (the go-between) are tossed out of court just as Denmark ’s merchant fleet becomes of strategic importance in the Napoleonic war. The three men journey to France and meet Napoleon’s top lickspittle, buttonholer and go-between, their female counterparts. Plots abound, flying machines are destroyed and the head of Marie Antoinette is discovered during the madcap struggle to save Copenhagen from British howitzers. The main characters speak in rhyming alexandrine verse, while a host of supporting characters converse in sestinas, haiku, free verse, limericks and sonnets.
My goodness, three pictures in two days. This has become the Jane blog! :)
Not that I mind. Talented lady, that Jane.
There are few things that can't be fixed by a judicious dose of Jane Lincoln Taylor.
Aw, shucks. But the key word here is "judicious"...!
I am sooooo excited!
Little thing: this blog entry says the show starts at 7pm. The newsletter says 7:30pm food and 8pm show. Hmmm. This is the notice for serious overeaters, then?