Divine Reckonings Artist Reveal #9:
Lynn Kenny

Do you have a favorite Bible Character?
Probably Esther because she was so unlikely to be who she was and then she was the bitch.
Are you blessed?
Thankfully, yes.
If you were wrestling an angel, what moves would you use?
I'd try to play dead and then get up and run really fast when he got hungry and went for a burger or something.
What would you do for more life?
I have no idea...I'm a really good cook-
What's the weirdest thing in your parents' attic?
Vinyl records of Bill Cosby stand-up
What is your prior experience with the Old Testament?
Flannel Boards, bad VHS videos of Adam and Eve and frustration because I couldn't pronounce any of the names or places.
If you believe in a deity or deities, what kind do you believe in?
God and Jesus Christ.
Lynn Kenny (MFA Acting) has been seen in "Pretty Theft" with Flux, "Maddy" with Redd Tale and as a character actor at Ripley's Believe it or Not. Like most actors, she's done a few independent films, commercials, voice-overs, and the like. Lynn loves comedy improv and chocolate.
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