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Dog Act Review: Joshua Bambino, Theatre Is Easy

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Leave a Comment

(Photo: Isaiah Tanenabum. Pictured: Liz Douglas, Becky Byers)

Our first review is out! Not a moment too soon, as our all-too-short run is nearing its midway point at frightening speed. Joshua Bambino's positive review on Theatre Is Easy is a great read, and he asks some interesting questions about the balance of naturalism and heightened language that are well worth pondering.

My favorite quote:
This is a play that revels in theatre and storytelling, viscerally imparting a message about its ritual power to build community and restore humanity through primal arts.
Preach! I also like that he notices the Godot resonances - that's something I've been thinking about a lot the last few runs I've watched.

So, read the full review here, then get your tix (still some $14 tix with the code "FUGHAT" for the 9th and 10th), and then leave your own thoughts on the play here.

Onward to China!